National Anthem
Home Jupiter Fanfare


National Anthem

We are searching for an appropriate National Anthem. Preferably there would be no words. Since people seem to think that they are required to sing along and, many times, they mangle the anthem because they do not know the words and\or can't carry a tune in a bucket.

The anthem should be a song in the public domain and a moving melody. Something that will make a person think of Montsegur when it is played.

Two suggestions so far are listed below. If you can play .wav files, click on each name to for more information on the composer and to hear an excerpt.  Let us know what you think of these choices, or if you have another suggestion.

Each file is a 60 excerpt. The full length of the composition is included below the link.

Jupiter from "The Planets" by Gustav Holtz (1874-1934)  (1.29mb)

Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copeland (1.29mb)